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Game properties data

Get Version, Title, Publisher name, PackageName from properties tab.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: UlisesFreitas.

  • Add an string expression that returns the current game version from game properties tab.

  • Add an string expression that returns the game title from game properties tab.

  • Add an string expression that returns the game publisher name from game properties tab.
  • Add an string expression that returns the package name from game properties tab.
  • Add an string expression that returns the orientation from game properties.
  • Add an string expression that returns the window width from game properties.
  • Add an string expression that returns the window height from game properties.
  • Add an string expression that returns the maxFPS from game properties.
  • Add an string expression that returns the minFPS from game properties.
  • Add an string expression that returns the scale mode from game properties.
  • Add an string expression that returns the pixel rounding from game properties.
  • Add an string expression that returns the scale mode from game properties.
  • Add an string expression that returns the vertical sync from game properties.



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This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Game properties data extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.